Kite Engine Test Pilot Program

The Kite Engine Pilot Program is a unique buyback program designed for early adopters who want to be more than just customers—they want to be test pilots. By participating, you are helping OKE refine and perfect the Ocean Kite Engine technology through real-world testing and valuable feedback.

Kite Engine Pilot Program – Join as a Test Pilot

  • 50% Buyback and New Kite Engine

    After 18 months of testing, OKE will buy back your prototype Kite Engine for 50% of its value. In addition, you'll receive a brand new, fully upgraded Kite Engine, fully warrantied for 5 years. Your feedback and experience will directly shape the development of the final production model, making you an integral part of this cutting-edge innovation.

  • Be among the first to experience cutting-edge wind propulsion technology before it’s available to the public. As a test pilot, you’ll have a direct hand in advancing this revolutionary product.

  • Receive a new, fully warrantied production version of the Kite Engine at the end of the testing period, tailored to the feedback you helped provide.

  • Flexible financing options make it easier to join the program, allowing you to participate while spreading out the cost over time.

  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing your production version Kite Engine is backed by a comprehensive 5-year warranty covering parts and labor.

  • Join us at the start of something new. By helping develop this innovative technology, you’ll be part of the legacy of wind-powered propulsion and sustainable sailing.

As a test pilot, you will play a key role by providing data, surveys, and regular communication about your experience with the Kite Engine. This information will directly contribute to making the final product more advanced, reliable, and user-friendly.

The buyback component of this program offers tremendous value. After an 18-month testing period, OKE will buy back your Kite Engine at 50% of the original price. In return, you'll receive a brand-new production version, designed based on your feedback and experience, and fully warrantied for 5 years.

This isn’t just a purchase—it’s an opportunity to actively contribute to the development of cutting-edge wind-powered propulsion technology. Your participation plays a key role in shaping the final production model, ensuring it’s optimized for performance and durability. At the same time, you benefit from a substantial return through the buyback, making this program both a smart investment and an important contribution to the future of sustainable sailing.